[建筑分享] MODE学园螺旋塔楼

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gggds 发表于 2012-4-28 00:38:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ARCHITECTS: Nikken Sekkei


    交织耸入天空——摒弃标准的方盒子建筑形式,以营造一个创造性的环境。MODE 学园螺旋大楼是一座位于名古屋市繁忙的主要街道中的超高层建筑,与名古屋火车站相对。大楼包含了3 个职业学校:MODE学园服装设计学院,计算机、信息技术与设计专门学校HAL,医学与护理职业学校ISEN。

    3 组相互交织的翼片塑造了一个螺旋上升的建筑体量,这一设计十分贴切地符合了MODE 学园主席谷胜的理念,他认为,学校建筑应该被设计成与众不同的形态,以此为发挥创造性提供恰当的环境,同时,学校建筑本身也应该让学生们引以为豪。此外,大楼的设计理念来自于MODE 学园服装设计学院,HAL 专业学校和ISEN 职业学校的学生们的热情——交织着耸入云霄,然后脱离现实世界。这种热情通过螺旋塔楼的交织上升至天空的翼片被表达出来。

    这个独特的设计中,3 组翼片扭转成螺旋状,建筑形态从不同的角度看也会有所转变,从而给人们留下了优雅却不乏戏剧性的印象。此外,如同裙摆的三维形式的柔性建筑轮廓给城市带来了丰富的意向和新的面貌。

    为了优化这个超高层学校建筑的独特个性,安置了落地全景窗以获得开阔的景观和充足的自然光。另一方面,通过对双层玻璃的使用以减少大面积玻璃幕墙带来的过量热辐射,同时,双层呼吸玻璃幕墙通风系统通过循环空气夹层中的热空气来隔绝来自外界的热辐射,因此,空调系统的能耗也得以降低。□(刘鹏飞 译)


Twining and rising up to the sky-For fostering a creative environment, a standard rectangular shaped building was not chosen.-“Mode-Gakuen Spiral Towers” is a high-rise building located on a busy Main Street of Nagoya City in front of Nagoya Station. The building houses three vocational schools; Mode-Gakuen for fashion, HAL for computer, information technology and design, and ISEN for medicine and welfare.

Design with three entwined wings in a spiral shape building was created to reflect the strong concept of Masaru Tani, President of Mode-Gakuen that the design of the school building should be an unusual shape to promote an environment for fostering creativity, and also making a school building which students could be proud of. Furthermore, the concept of the towers are derived from the enthusiasm of students from Mode-Gakuen, Hal, and Isen schools, twining and rising up to the sky then departing to the real world. This is represented by the way the wings of the Spiral Towers are twining and rising up in the sky.

The unique design of three wings is twisted in helical form and appears to change shape slightly when viewed from different angles, giving an elegant yet dynamic impression. In addition, a soft silhouette of the building which resembles the bottom of dress in 3D form brings the city a rich image and a new face.

To optimize the characteristics of the high-rise school building, floor to ceiling windows were installed and offering a great view and natural light. On the other hand, double glazed windows were applied to countermeasure the heat loads produced at the large window surface, and a double glazing airflow system is used to ventilate the heated air between the glasses and keep out the heat from outside, at the same time energy consumption for air conditioning was reduced.



用地面积/Site Area: 3 540.06m2
总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 48 988.96m2
建筑占地面积/Building Area: 2 365.75m2
层数/Floor: +36, -3, 2 Penthouse
主体结构/Structure: S/SRC/RC
建筑类型/Building Type: 教育建筑/Educational
主要功能/Principal Use: 职业学校,零售/Vocational
School, Retail
建筑高度/Height: +170m
标准层高/Typical Floor Height: 4.1 m
摄影/Photo: Ken'ichi Suzuki
121700 发表于 2012-4-28 09:01:24 | 显示全部楼层



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