[心德类] 设计师十戒

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gggds 发表于 2012-2-19 11:56:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. |0 c4 `# J9 o/ ]7 Z不可抄袭他人之创意,不论有何前提;6 f! G1 d8 w' c0 q6 S6 a$ f
Not to copy other's creative work, under no circumstances;6 ^0 y% |( g, S! H

2 c3 B# v1 `) q( P" O  A+ s. P第二条:) R) q5 U8 E2 W( e% ^, n+ X# X1 Z; s
不可过分依赖电脑技术,切记,你是一名设计师,不是一名电脑修图员;+ C+ ?0 a" I8 M9 ~! `! L
Not to rely completely on computer technology, it is a tool only and cannot substitute your creativity. Remember, you are a designer, not a computer graphic editor;
; U, A3 Z2 F5 J, b, ]/ w0 \# y' w# s* U3 c
第三条:: n# L0 z# `# c
+ Q9 v6 Y/ R) a$ K# eBe a creator and not a fashion-follower because a trendy style today would become an out-dated one tomorrow;
% q1 t6 S% M" a3 [( u/ D4 ?6 T0 D* V
第四条:4 w! r5 ]9 u6 N
0 g; [% F* y* [/ r2 L% R* L% d7 qTrying ten design fields simultaneously but badly is worst than concentrating on one field and master it;
/ _1 E: S/ Y( m% E. _4 M3 Y& A: R) S2 `3 L9 }' P1 c. S
& C1 G$ Z* N9 _不可将自己都认为有问题的作品向公众发表;
6 A5 g9 r3 N) E8 tBe professional and not to release any art works that you don't like;: U& j: U% M: R: a5 a
& A. B; G  @. O3 z& l8 M
第六条:9 q. N9 O( E, J  |
不可因低价商业项目,而放低对作品的要求;7 ?+ a" D9 G# B3 l5 L! T) }: K/ d
Not to lower the quality in view of low business value of an art work;8 |% {' y/ d# O# D
6 h$ Z5 r- `% f8 L5 }- G3 ~) p
# n; ]; ]2 f" u" ^  X. F不可凭主观意识评价他人作品;不可人云亦云;0 P* p0 _& @  E) u. f$ M8 H7 ]1 M
Not to criticize other's artwork merely on the ground of one's preferences nor just replicate comment from someone;
8 m. \. K3 Z2 Q% f& j2 ^  g1 L: K" Y6 c) Z( Y6 |
, c2 F, F7 \5 ]# c  x不可闭门造车;了解一些历史、哲学和人文,将对你的作品大有好处;0 H$ Q; f( a6 z  N! F+ _. m" Q
Not to create artwork without any ground. Great works usually come from the understanding of the culture, history and philosophy;
; W: z+ J, n: u. [% o5 p3 C* m$ y$ R" [
+ p4 p* c. L+ j: Q不论身份高低,须保持歉虚的态度;) \3 i: j/ f4 i1 g8 |
Keep yourself modest to people, no matter you are just a novice or a master;" h7 ]! n# [4 C  t; }8 s& ?

5 u6 {8 L& i. Y6 W. g# I+ m第十条:# g8 @8 S# x" P: |$ J, v$ N
永远坚信:设计可以拯救你的国家,可以改变世界。8 s! O( X# l0 N4 _; b$ \) J; e
Always believe that design can save your country and change the world
% g, z3 p6 q( h9 T3 |+ v7 c



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