北京最具实力工厂--步阳展览工厂010--52505131 52832939
专业国内 外大型展台主场千平展位 会议活动 巡展 路演制作与搭建,本工厂有十余年的制作与管理经验,十余亩地(7千多平米,立足通州 覆盖天津)近百人的专业队伍,期待与您合作,工厂电话:010—52832939 52505131 联系人:张先生:13718384889 activity around making roadshow and build, our factory has more than ten years of production and management experience of more than 10 acres (more than 7000 square meters, based on the cover of tongzhou tianjin) the professional team, and look forward to your cooperation, factory phone: 010 52832939 52505131 contact: Mr. Zhang: 13718384889