daqinshafa 发表于 2010-11-29 16:42:20


日-11月8日,荷兰SAXION University of Applied Sciences大学、School of Life Science, Engineering & Design学院、Industrial Product Design Engineering系,师生一行15人来到浙江宁波,同宁波大学机械学院工业设计系15名师生,展开了一场为期15天的产品设计Workshop,为宁波两家著名制造企业做产品设计。分别为“欧琳集团”——2010年上海世博会唯一指定厨具供应商、厨具项目赞助商,设计了油烟机、燃气灶、消毒柜,厨房家电“三件套”;为“贝发集团”——2008北京奥运会文具特许经营商、特许零售商和独家供应商,设计了文具。




最后是方法的“假国际”。荷兰学生做设计理性规范,做设计的第一件事是制定计划,然后按照计划一步步地进行。相比之下,我们的学生没有这个习惯,铺张白纸,拿只铅笔,抬手就来;荷兰学生注重思维方法,他们会列很多表格和图表,来帮助思考,思路开阔而清晰。我们的学生习惯托着腮帮想,想啊想啊,最后对老师说我没灵感了;在设计后期,荷兰学生喜欢用Solid Works建模做外形、结构,分析产品的工程特性。我们的学生喜欢用Rhino,做漂亮的效果图。


1、Chinese students
Students start very quickly with sketching solutions for the presented company assignment
Students preform quick market research by visiting shops related to the product.
CN students look at the topsellers and use/copy successfull designelements from these products.
CN students transfer these elements very quickly in many clear concept renderings.
CN students focus more on rendering in stead of structural engineering.
CN students present many concept renderings to the related company.
CN students accept the choice of the company, and if the company is not satisfied or want to change something, the studens just make more renderings untill the company is satisfied.
The final concept will be engineered by the company engineers.

2、Dutch students
Students are used to find the question behind the question, because NL companies are open for advice and different opinions from industrial designers.
Students do extensive research on the market, new technology, new materials and user-centered design (ergonomics).
After research, the conclusions will be summarized in a list of demands (L.O.D.).
Students negotiate with the company about the list of demands.
After both parties agree about the list of demands, students will start the creative phase.
Students produce a lot of out-of-the-box ideas, in order to generate concepts that finally will meet the list of demands.
Together with the company, the concept choice will take part in such a way that the student gives an advice about which concept should be engineered.
An important part of an assignment is the engineering phase. Students put all of their knowledge of materials and production techniques into a CAD drawing, and give a detailed cost price calculation.
During the whole process, students will seek feedback from the company about the progress and list of demands of the project.
During the project a lot of small optimizations will take place.
Students work in interdiciplinairy teams, such as with electronic and mechanical engineers, sales and marketing people.
Research in which way CN & NL students collaborate and communicate during the project.

axin123456 发表于 2011-4-29 09:54:13


我在设计 发表于 2011-5-9 17:30:36


录野仙棕o[) 发表于 2011-8-21 09:25:26


zswdln 发表于 2011-11-15 11:28:41

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查看完整版本: 中国设计的一些感想